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Case Studies

Our Practical Solutions

Case Studies and Successful Projects

Custom Programming Relieves Employee Frustration

The Story:

Employees at an answering service expressed frustration with their software vendor’s secure message solution. Existing packaged software solutions were deemed unacceptable due to excessive password prompts and restricted pricing models enforced by the vendor.

The Challenge:

The client faced a dual challenge of employee dissatisfaction leading to uninstallations and a lack of flexibility in the pricing model provided by the vendor.

The Solution:

ITAS Solutions dedicated time to understanding the functionality issues and pricing model requirements fully. Subsequently, we deployed a custom website within the client’s network that perfectly matched user needs for maximum productivity. The custom programming accommodated the desired pricing model.

The Result:

ITAS Solutions delivered a tailored solution that precisely met the client’s needs at a fraction of the cost quoted by other custom software development companies. This resulted in an impressive 90% savings for our client.

ITAS Solutions Resolves Urgent Phone Routing Error

The Story:

An emergency arose when our client’s phone lines were misrouted following an office move. The main line termination location remained unidentified, preventing the client from answering incoming calls.

The Challenge:

Due to the client’s business sensitivity, a prompt resolution was crucial. However, the destination carrier could not locate the porting request, resulting in an estimated minimum waiting time of two weeks.

The Solution:

ITAS Solutions engaged in a detailed collection of information from the client, phone vendors, and building management. Our technician determined the correct installation point through meticulous investigation and swiftly ran phone lines from the building’s equipment room to the client’s offices. A $400 PBX was also installed, and the client’s IP phones were reconfigured to work seamlessly with the PBX.

The Result:

Within days, the client regained the ability to handle calls, significantly reducing the stress of missed customer interactions. ITAS Solutions’ expertise and ingenuity allowed the client to focus on their core business while we addressed the phone routing issue.

Custom Programming Enhances Productivity and Reduces Errors

The Story:

A client struggled with outdated and cumbersome billing software that lacked multi-user functionality and compatibility with their current operating system. ITAS Solutions recognized the need for significant behavioral changes within the existing program and the challenge of importing over a decade’s worth of historical data.

The Challenge:

Addressing the client’s requirements for improved functionality and seamless OS upgrades while preserving historical data posed a considerable challenge.

The Solution:

ITAS Solutions designed and developed an internal web portal using AJAX technology, enabling the automatic saving of changes and preventing data loss. Additionally, a one-time migration process successfully transferred ten years’ worth of historical data.

The Result:

The custom software implemented by ITAS Solutions revolutionized workflow productivity and eliminated redundancies through auto-save functionality. We also introduced new reporting features and data mining tools. The web-based nature of the system ensured longevity and compatibility with future upgrades.

ITAS Solutions Achieves Nearly 40% Infrastructure Upgrade Savings

The Story:

A client received a $130,000 quote for an infrastructure upgrade and sought ITAS Solutions’ opinion regarding a specific hardware component.

The Challenge:

Rather than solely assessing the questioned load balancer, ITAS Solutions requested to review the entire quote comprehensively.

The Solution:

After an in-depth review, ITAS Solutions identified areas where cost savings could be achieved by utilizing superior equipment. Collaborating with another IT service provider, we proposed a more economically viable solution to the client.

The Result:

ITAS Solutions successfully migrated the client’s infrastructure to a new, more reliable, faster system that was easier to manage. By embracing our proposal, the client saved $50,000, representing an impressive 40% reduction compared to the original quote.

Custom Programming Rescues a Client from Disaster

The Story:

Our client acquired equipment to automate rolling stage backdrops for a European theater. However, the purchased equipment proved challenging and did not meet their requirements. Additionally, the vendor lacked the resources needed to implement the necessary automation.

The Challenge:

Upon investigation, it was discovered that the vendor had sold the client the wrong equipment, and the manufacturer’s support services were inadequate. Due to budget constraints, ITAS Solutions was tasked with finding a solution to make the equipment work.

The Solution:

Our technician thoroughly researched the equipment’s documentation and collaborated with various departments to fully understand the problem. Subsequently, ITAS Solutions developed custom software that provided control over the backdrops and facilitated the automation of different patterns, simplifying system operation.

The Result:

ITAS Solutions averted a potential disaster and ensured the show could go on! Our custom software delivered improved control and streamlined automation, all within the client’s budget and time constraints.

ITAS Solutions Resolves a Challenging Programming Mystery

The Story:

A lumber company faced a persistent issue with their log-stripping machine that refused to turn on. Despite thorough searches for mechanical or electrical faults, the problem remained unsolved.

The Challenge:

Having lost confidence in their regular consultant, the client approached ITAS Solutions for assistance. Our technician, unfamiliar with the machine and its new programmable logic controller (PLC), embarked on the task of troubleshooting the issue.

The Solution:

Our technician delved into the machine’s operation by investigating the inputs related to the malfunction. After meticulously analyzing hundreds of pages of documentation and eight hours of work, a discrepancy was uncovered between the documented programming and the machine’s actual programming, solving the mystery.

The Results:

ITAS Solutions provided a permanent solution to the problem that plagued the client whenever the machine was powered down. This solution significantly reduced repair expenses previously incurred with the original consultant and eliminated the losses from frequent machine downtime, enhancing productivity and profitability.

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PO Box 923 Centerville TX 75833